President’s Welcome

Wednesday 19 February 2025 11:28 - Last update Monday 26 April 2021 08:36
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President’s Welcome

Dear Investors,

We would like to dedicate the Investor Relations division of Notorious Pictures, our young entrepreneurial business that in just a few years has successfully evolved into one of the leading digital entertainment companies in Italy, to you and the financial community, with the aim for continuing to promote productive dialogue in line with the transparent approach that has always characterised our business.


In just over six years since our foundation, we have supplemented our initial film distribution business with production, co-production, international executive production, direct to digital content trading and, finally, multiplex management. Meanwhile, we are continuing to develop our television series production division. This significant diversification in the company’s business areas has supported dimensional growth but, above all, has considerably reduced our reliance on the box office figures of films at our multiplexes.

Since its foundation the Group has invested over €36 million to create a library that now contains 895 titles, with a book value of €9.2 million. In the same period, despite the investments our Group generated profits worth €22 million, distributing dividends of €7.8 million.

The global world of entertainment is currently experiencing a period of great change and extraordinary opportunity. The entry into the market of leading global digital and telecommunications giants has led to an increase in the demand for content that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago, and a growth in investments in the sector. Independent companies that, on one hand, are able to rapidly seize upon the evolution of market demand and, on the other, offer highly professional services, new products that reflect the current digital transformation, and a solid organisational and financial platform, are perfectly positioned to benefit from the current evolution.

In Italy, the recent approval of the Franceschini Law also plays a part; by broadening the scope of application of public donations to the sector and, above all, by basing their allocation on criteria of clarity and certainty, the Law has defined a legislative context that will promote the development of international investments in the film sector.

The results achieved, and those awaiting our Group in the coming years, are possible thanks to a cohesive and determined team that pursues shared objectives and continually focuses its efforts on reaching them. I would like to express my appreciation and thanks to every member of the team for the commitment they have always shown.

I would also like to thank our investors who have believed in Notorious Pictures so far, many of whom have followed us from the moment the company was listed on the AIM market of Borsa Italiana in 2014. To them, and to all our future investors who will seize the opportunities offered by our brand, we confirm our constant commitment to developing the value of our Group.

Best regards,

Guglielmo Marchetti
Founder and CEO






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